Owlstown Newsletter #32: Few new things
Hello Owlstowners!
I'm trying a few new things for this month's newsletter.
First, the newsletter has a new look because I'm sending it via Revue, instead of Substack. The newsletter archive also has a new URL: http://newsletter.owlstown.com
Second, the newsletter has a new section that features content from the Owlstown community. If you have something you want to share, email me at hello@owlstown.com
. As always, you can view all the updates from everyone's websites at Owlstown Community.
New features
Domain Name Search. Find the perfect domain name for your academic website. Details about this feature.
You can hover over elements on your website and an "Edit" button appears that sends you to the form for editing. No more clicking around to find how to edit an element. Thanks to the user who emailed me about this problem.
From the Community
Jacqueline Shaia, PhD student at CWRU, posted a few blogs in the past month. Check them out:
This is a great example of a project summary: An ethnography of outpatient commitment by Ryan J. Dougherty. The summary includes related publications and a presentation video.
Josh Racker's Machine Learning for Quantum-Accurate Biomolecular Simulation has cool visuals of molecular simulations.
Ian 🦉