🦉 Owlstown Newsletter #39: Still March in my time zone
Hello Owlstowners!
One of my goals was to send at least 1 newsletter every month, but since I'm sending this newsletter in the evening of March 31 in the eastern United States, some of you will be receiving this on April 1 in your time zone. Alas, I wish I had a more clever April Fools' Day newsletter to send.
Ian 🦉
What’s new
Embed all sorts of content into your website using the Embed block. Some examples are Google Maps, CodePen, GitHub Gists, Tableau dashboards, Figma graphic files, etc.
Owlstown websites load even faster. I removed Javascript and icon fonts that slow down websites. Banner images load faster with responsive loading and efficient formats.
When you add a link to your personal NameBadge in Social Links, it will have a speaker icon next to it. Email me if you want to see other icons in Social Links.
I moved the servers where images and PDFs are stored from cloudinary.com to spaces-cdn.owlstown.com.
From the community
Check out Martins Zaumanis's blog, Peer Recognized, where he writes about communicating your research effectively. Follow him on Twitter: @peerrecognized.
Debrielle Jacques will be joining the University of Washington as an Assistant Professor of Child Clinical Psychology in Fall 2022. I did my undergrad at UW, so I'm excited to know a fellow Husky.
Natasha Doré wrote about imposter syndrome.
Jacqueline Shaia shares a planning exercise called Reverse Career Planning. Also check out the video.
What is the problem with gender stereotypes? by Cathy Kilburn
The need for equity audits by Elle Lett
Transforming Library Services for Graduate Students 2022 by Jess Hagman
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