🦉 Owlstown Newsletter #46: Job Market
What's new
Job market section
I added a job market section to the Academic Gallery to highlight academics and researchers who are in the job market.
If you’re in the job market and want your academic website listed, send me a tweet with your website URL at @owlstown.
Right-to-left languages
Owlstown has support for right-to-left languages. This feature is automatic. Owlstown figures out the direction of the text based on the first letter of the text block and changes the direction accordingly. This saves you time, since you don't have to select left-to-right or right-to-left modes for your text.
Keep track of your pictures
It's easier to keep track of pictures that you use in your website. First, you can now add names to your pictures, so you can browse through them more easily.
Second, you can track where your pictures are used throughout your website.
From the community
The deadline to the Best Personal Academic Website Contest 2022 has been extended to November 2, 2022 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time.
Notes on Grad School Experience by Usman Afzali
What I learnt from studying Psychology (2021) by Clara Stein
Booth and poster presentation at the 18th Panhellenic Conference on Psychological Research by Christos Gkoumas
Mari-Liis Korkus describes the first week of her linguistic fieldwork.
Best practices in countering SOGIESC-based hate crimes in Europe by Piotr Godzisz