🦉 Owlstown Newsletter #47: Academic Link
What's new
Want a simple webpage to link to all of your academic and social profiles? Create an Academic Link.
You can now add a link to your Mastodon profile in your list of Social Links.
You can now add custom pages using the Custom Pages section under Collections. I hope this makes it clearer how to create custom pages.
From the community
Taotao Wu and Rashid Ahmed Rifat are among the winners in the 2022 Best Personal Academic Websites Contest. See the full list of winners. Thank you to all who submitted their websites to the contest.
Science Communication: 5 easy ways to get involved and reasons why by Clara Stein
Hopping Down Memory Lane - My First Scientific Article! by Jacqueline Shaia
2 teaching posts by Rachel Gunter
Qualitative Analysis Examples by Jess Hagman
“FTX: The Most Trusted Way to Buy and Sell Crypto” by Cynthia B. Meyers
New publication on interviewer overconfidence in the European Joural of Work and Organizational Psychology by Risk and Decision Making Lab